Thursday, October 23, 2008

Time for Adios

To Chicago that is..

It was a good walk to and from the opera last night, and only a cleanup of our leftovers for dinner. Manon was good but the seats got to our legs so we headed out, as did many others, at the 2nd intermission. The best arias were over so it was out into the refreshing night air. Nothing like a slow walk along the river and back to bed before midnight. Yes, our age shows.

Then it was pack up time, and off to Kalamazoo via South Haven and a rec from bricolagelife about a ...what else?...bookstore. Sadly it was closed on M,T, and Weds but a bakery was open. Who can resist that mid morning? A bit of a walkabout then back into the car to Kalamazoo and dinner with some good buddies from GardenWeb.

Time to head off Toledo.


IdaR said...

Reading your posts almost makes me want to go to Chicago. Almost being the key word. Very interesting look at the city.
Thank you for stopping by my blog.

Chelle's said...

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(lots of fun, laughs, and entertainment. Leave comments if you like.

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