Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Day 10 Continues...Sevilla

Well, all this people watching is exhausting you know, so it must be time for coffee or even lunch. Fortunately, by this stage of this vacation we had fallen into the pattern of life in Spain. We knew what to look for and what to order....sort of. ;-)
Guess what caught our eye?

Survey the display of goodies, get a table, sit and wait for heaven.
A table outside

We usually ordered cafe de leche, or aqua mineral con gas (for me) or sin gas (for him) and then the real stuff. While waiting for our order, there was a huge, sharp Craaak!! that made everyone stop with that horrible feeling of...and I looked towards the direction of the sound.
A firecracker went off down here
No smoke, so everyone exhaled... (We later realized that it had been a firecracker from some of the wedding celebrations.) As we drank our coffee and ate our pastry, dh saw something he had to have... Had to!! Inside the cafe, a proper British man was spooning into.. (Click and view large)
Check the note
So we got our serious waitress's attention, and dh ordered.
He ate it all 2
And yes, he ate it all.

By comparison, my Ticino de ciello looked a litle ...bland? Tho rich sugar it was.
Ticino de ciello

"Good stop" as my children used to say.
Cafe con leche

While there was more to this day in will come later.

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